The UA Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering features nationally-accredited programs, affording students the flexibility to shape their academic goals to suit developing interests.
Metallurgical engineering crafts the materials needed for other engineering fields – from making the next alloy for space ships to aiding the medical field with antibacterial metal instruments, or even creating a new hyperconductive coating for microchips. Wherever metals are used, metallurgy has discovered their chemical structure and developed the methodologies for working with them.
From casting and forging to more modern laser cladding and 3D metal printing- the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering offers a diverse range of opportunities for undergraduate study. As a Foundry Education Foundation Certified School, our goal is to provide innovative and high quality programs that support the many and varied interests of our students.
What you can do in Metallurgical and Materials:
- 3D metal printing (additive manufacturing)
- Alloy synthesizing
- Casting
- Composite processing
- Corrosion analysis
- Extrusion
- Fabrication
- Forging
- Laser cladding
- Metal heat treatments
- Metal recycling
- Microscopy
- Molten metal chemistry
- Recycling metal
- Strength testing
- Temperature deformation behavior
- Thin film studies for electronics
- Ultrasonic processing
- Welding

If you have any questions about the undergraduate metallurgical engineering program, contact Dr. Mark Weaver.
Student Resources
Metallurgical Advisor

Christopher Davis
Academic Advisor
Engineering Student Services
More Resources
Starting fall semester 2020, the College of Engineering REQUIRES students have a laptop. Please see Required Laptops / Laptop Specifications for more information.