UA Engineering Doctoral Student Places Third at Annual AISTech Conference

Shubhrodev Bhowmik, a doctoral student in the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at The University of Alabama (UA), recently placed third in the graduate student poster contest held at the AISTech 2022 conference.
The annual event, hosted by the Association for Iron and Steel Technology, is the country’s largest iron and steel technology conference and attracts more than 8,000 steel producers, suppliers, academic and industry professionals, and students.
The conference’s graduate student poster contest features research related to processing, structure, properties and applications within the iron and steel industry. Submissions are judged based on quality, clarity, presentation and technical content.
Bhowmik’s winning poster highlighted research he has conducted along with another graduate student in the department, Pranshul Varshney, over the past year centered around the study of processing, microstructure and mechanical properties of oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) 14YWT ferritic steel. The research is being carried out at UA in collaboration with Enabled Engineering, Los Alamos National Lab and Pacific Northwest National Lab.
According to Bhowmik, his win is representative of the dedication and support he has received from the department, his faculty advisor and other collaborators on the project.
“I have learned a lot from the people around me. My advisor Dr. Nilesh Kumar worked with me a lot on enhancing this project as well as Dr. Kumar Kandasamy, from Enabled Engineering, who provided his expert opinion on the project,” Bhowmik said.
Bhowmik intends to further utilize his research completed for the poster by writing a journal paper and delivering a presentation at The Minerals, Metals and Materials (TMS) Conference.